Search Results - South africa lockdown international travel SA Permanent Residency Permit Applications Accepted AgainAfter 22 months of not accepting any permane... Department South African Universities Score Top Marks In Global RankingAccording to a US News and World Report rele... University Sa's Mysterious Listeriosis Death Toll DoublesThe origin of the outbreak in South Africa r... Outbreak Princess Charlene Stuck In South Africa Due To IllnessThe Monaco Grand Prix is undoubtedly one of ... Monaco We’re Ready For LIFT Off, CaptainThere’s a new player in the sky and, w... Lift Facebook To Address ParliamentRepresentatives from Facebook South Africa h... Facebook Barakat Is South Africa’s Oscar EntryEvery year, the American Motion Picture Asso... Barakat Spur CEO To RetireAfter 24 years at the head of the table, Spu... Spur South African Teachers Worried About Second Wave Of Covid-19South African school teachers are worried ab... Second Mystery Surrounding The Tembisa 10 UnfoldingWhile the birth of 10 babies made local and ... Babies Bird Flu Rises, Which Means Bad News For EggsBird Flu has already wiped out more than 15%... Eggs The AA Rejects The Proposed Zero Blood Alcohol LimitThe Automobile Association (AA) of South Afr... Alcohol Kyalami Hopes For a Local GP In 2023Kyalami is ready for another F1 race in 2023... Race Singapore Airlines To Launch World’s New Longest FlightIf you missed flying during the COVID-19 pan... Singapore Minister Ebrahim Patel Tests Positive For COVID-19Ebrahim Patel, the Minister of Trade, Indust... Minister Local Children Participating In COVID-19 Vaccine TrialTwo South African children are participating... Children South Africa’s Black Friday Spending IncreasedCompared to last year, South Africans welcom... Friday Comair Suspends All Kulula and BA FlightsComair has announced that it has temporarily... Gauteng Telkom Is Launching A R250-million Fund For Adults To Learn To CodeTelkom will invest R250-million over the nex... Said Netflix Donates R8.3 Million To Local Film And TV Relief FundIf you’re working in the South African... Netflix South Africa Hits Peak Malaria SeasonThe National Institute for Communicable Dise... Malaria Face Masks Are Here To Stay, For NowIf Health Minister Joe Phaahla has his way, ... Masks Video: Out With The Old And In With The New For South AfricaThe 26th of February marked the day Presiden... Deputy Five Human Cases Of Rabies Confirmed In Sa Since December '17The National Institute of Communicable Disea... Rabies < 45678 >